Our second annual Paris Hill Hook-In seems to have been a great success, thanks to both the attendees and all of the people who helped bring it together! I am very grateful to everyone who was a part of this event. I think it's generally agreed that although our first hook-in last year was also great fun, this one was even better.
My husband, youngest son, and I worked with Reverend Mary Beth Caffey of the First Baptist Church of Paris to set up the venue. This is a new venue for us. Last year we used the 1853 Paris Hill Academy Building, but because of handicapped accessibility issues, we thought we'd try the church this year. The church is situated at the very center of historic Paris Hill village, and commands fantastic views of the village "loop" and the White Mountains in the distance. It's beloved by us, and we think by the time Saturday was over, it was beloved by many more.
Our beautiful historic venue. Some of the beams were left exposed in a recent restoration, and that rope to the far right of the bottom photo? Well, that's the pull rope for the approximately 200 year old Paul Revere foundry church bell that we had a little fun with...
At what other hook-in do you find hookers ringing a historic church bell? These are a couple of Parris House Hookers giving it their best. On the left, Cindy Mitchell. On the right, Irene Adams.
Reverend Caffey gave the group a nice presentation on the history of this building. If you are interested in a brief history, please click here. This building requires a great deal of tender loving care to keep it as beautiful and intact as it is. I would be remiss if I did not mention that there is a stewardship organization called Friends of the First Baptist Church. If you, or anyone you know, would like to make a donation to its care, please contact the church on its contact page.
When we first set up the spaces they looked like this...this is Friday afternoon...
but on Saturday morning...Connie Fletcher of Seven Gables Rug Hooking cheerfully greeted our guests and provided the pretty fall themed nametags. Connie is also my teacher, mentor, guru, and the value of her assistance is incalculable.
The church hall is divided in to two sunny rooms. I confess that when I first signed on with this venue I was concerned about the split, but it turned out to be a non-issue. Here is the main hall at the entrance area filled with hookers!
The Parris House Hookers took up one of the long tables and then some!
These are the ladies in the second room, with some of their handiwork laid out on the round table.
We were so happy to have the same two wonderful vendors return this year for our hook-in. Cherylyn Brubaker of Hooked Treasures in Brunswick and Kim Dubay of Primitive Pastimes in Gray. So talented, so nice. It is always a joy to work with them.
Cherylyn of Hooked Treasures on the left, Kim (far left of the photo) of Primitive Pastimes on the right.
So, aside from beautiful scenery and tempting vendors, what else is important to (hungry) hookers? The food! This year we had Jennicakes Bake Shop of Norway cater our hook-in and wow...well deserved rave reviews all around. Jennifer and her staff created and served wonderful pastries for breakfast and dessert, including gluten free options, and a savory lunch of pumpkin soup, vegetarian baked beans, turkey pot pie, salad, and fresh breads. There was so much left over of the sweets that we donated some to the church's coffee hour for Sunday morning!
And, of course, we had our annual rug show. So much talent in one space. Ellen Marshall off Two Cats and Dog Hooking kindly and ably coordinated our rug show, which was held in the upstairs sanctuary of the church. Here is your virtual tour of our rug show...
Left: hooked by Edna Olmstead, designed by Brenda Sauro of the Painted Mermaid Studio. Center: hooked by Edna Olmstead, traditional scottie dog design. Right: hooked by Bob Galloup, designed by the Moshimer studio.
Top left: hooked and designed by Cindy Mitchell. Top right: hooked by Donna Lowe, must ask for designer's name! Bottom left: left rug hooked by Kelly Hasselbach, right rug hooked by Connie Fletcher of Seven Gables Rug Hooking, who also designed it. Bottom right: hooked by Edna Olmstead, designed by Maine Hooked Rugs.
Top left: hooked and designed by Ellen Marshall of Two Cats and Dog Hooking. Top right: hooked and design adapted by Cindy Mitchell. Bottom left: hooked by Linda Rokowski, designed by Brenda Sauro of the Painted Mermaid Studio. Bottom right: hooked byCindy Mitchell and designed by Sally Van Nuys.
Top left: hooked and designed by Kim Dubay of Primitive Pastimes. Top right and Bottom left: hooked and designed by Ellen Marshall of Two Cats and Dog Hooking. Bottom right: hooked by Irene Adams, designed by Wooly Red Rug.
Top left, Top right, and Bottom left: hooked and designed by Beth Miller of Parris House Wool Works. Bottom right: hooked and designed by Kim Dubay of Primitive Pastimes.
I took a little climb up to the balcony space to photograph our attendees viewing the rug show...
One little surprise discovered by one of our rug show attendees...a hooked foot stool beneath a pew toward the front of the church. It is very old, hooked on burlap and affixed with the kind of hand wrought hardware that is also displayed, albeit in much larger form, in a glass case from when the church was renovated. Any guesses as to the age of this foot stool? Insight welcome!
If you would like to view all of the photos in larger format, click here.
Thanks again to all of our attendees and helpers! We will definitely be doing this again next year. Please watch our website and our Facebook page for details once I am able to come up with a date for next year. Also, do come see us at the Maine studio on December 6th, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for our annual Holiday Open House. We'll have refreshments, a prize drawing, open hooking, and 10% off all wool purchases. Hope to see you then and happy hooking! - Beth
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