Creative Community



What is the Parris House Creative Community?

The Parris House Creative Community launched in March of 2022 and is growing slowly but surely. We have members from all over the United States and Canada contributing to a wonderful online community free from ads, algorithms, trolls, bots, hackers, data harvesting, and all of intrusions you might find on traditional social media platforms.  

We have discussion topic areas ranging from fiber arts to writing to homesteading, running your own creative business or studio, and more. I could not be more pleased with the direction this community is taking.

We also meet online for a monthly Sunday Crafternoon, studio practice and biz discussion session, finishing parties, and book group. 

Classes and workshops for a nominal fee per person/per workshop are ongoing, either taught by me or a guest teacher. 

It really is a wonderful, safe, and welcoming group and the good news is you can check it out for FREE for a 1 week trial to see if it's for you. Just click below to take a look around.

Click HERE for your free 1 week free trial membership.

If you choose to stay (and we hope you do, but no hard feelings if not!), it's just $5.99/month for all we have to offer there. You can cancel at any time; there are no additional fees. 

For a walk through tour of how Mighty Network communities work, you can check out this video I made shortly before launching ours. There is so much content on there now that we've been up and running for over a year, though!  Come take a look, again, by clicking the trial membership link above.