Recently I have been getting quite a few more visitors to the Maine studio "by chance or appointment." I am always delighted when they stop in. Unfailingly, there is wonderful conversation about hooking, crafting, and an array of other subjects, and more often than not I am also able to provide them with something in return, a wool they needed, one of the coveted Nova Scotian hooks, a fluffy frame cover, or whatever.
If I am here on a day we're not technically "open," I will never turn you away. We're hookers; we're family. To make it a bit easier, I will endeavor to be here each week day between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. for drop in customers. If I am here during those hours, the banner will be flying outside the door. If, for some reason, I am called away, there will be no banner. If you want to be extra sure, give me a call first at (207) 890-8490. Please don't be surprised if I am up to my elbows in dye pots, making lots of eraser dust at the drawing table, or at my computer blogging, however, I will drop it all to welcome you in!
These new hours will also facilitate egg purchases for those of you who would like to try our farm fresh eggs which should be becoming available pretty soon! (Come on, ladies in the hen house, start laying!)
Please note that these new hours are for shopping, cutting wool, asking for assistance with a project, and other relatively short visits, only because I really do need to do the rest of the business of Parris House Wool Works (Maine) on these days. Tuesdays will remain our all day open hooking extravaganza days from 10 am to 7 pm, with open hooking also on the first and third Saturdays of the month from 9 am to 12 noon.
The best way to know what's going on a Parris House Wool Works at all times is to follow this blog and our Facebook page.
I hope this helps. The volume of drop ins/requests for appointment this week led to my thinking harder about making an accommodation. Hope to see you! - Beth
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