How to Connect - because humans can connect in a thousand ways.

In person demo at the Farnsworth Museum, Rockland, Maine.
Photo credit: Farnsworth Art Museum
We have an opportunity to build deeper connections through art and craft.
I am taking Parris House Wool Works, North Atlantic Fiber Arts, and my personal presence off of currently established social media platforms.I don’t see this as a huge risk. I see it as an opportunity, not just for me, but for all of us. Getting back to wholesome, inclusive ways of connecting and sharing will forge more personal relationships and provide more in-depth interaction. Here are some options specifically for keeping in contact with me and my enterprises, but do consider your own personal options for your online presence as well. There was a time before the predominant social media platforms, and there will assuredly be a time after. Let’s connect!
In-person & online creative communities
Gather in-person |
Gather on-line |
Every second Saturday of each month we gather for an open-studio/potluck at the Parris House at 546 Paris Hill Road, Paris, Maine. Just bring a dish and a project to work on and enjoy the company of other rug hookers, fiber artists, and artists. Always free - no studio fee. You can also shop for wool and rug hooking supplies. |
Not nearby enough to visit in person? Join our Parris House Creative Community hosted on Mighty Networks. Our small but, yes, mighty group of creatives tackle all sorts of topics for brainstorming, project help and critique, sometimes workshops, and more across a broad range of creative topics. One week free trial then $5.99/month (to maintain the site and moderation) thereafter. To check it out: |
“Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.”
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Prey” in process. Photo credit: Elizabeth Miller
The newsletter, websites, and blogs
Via my newsletter and websites, I can get news to you directly with no algorithms, extraneous ads, or data harvesting. Additionally, how your attention is directed is up to you. You choose whether or not to go to a website or sign up for an email list, not an algorithm that shows you content of its choosing, for its purposes, the moment you log onto a social media site.
Parris House Wool Works: This is where you’ll find limited retail, a blog (mostly) about rug hooking and homesteading, signed copies of my book for sale, and information on upcoming workshops. There is a newsletter sign up on this page.
North Atlantic Fiber Arts: The art side of what I do, including finished pieces for sale, a blog (mostly) about art, gallery exhibits, and more. There is also a newsletter sign up on this page. Please note that as of this time, I write one newsletter that combines Parris House Wool Works and North Atlantic Fiber Arts, so it doesn’t matter which site you sign up on.
A North Atlantic Narrative: My long form blogging site on Substack. Essays here cover a wide variety of topics which include art and fiber art but also move into political and social commentary.
“Maine Winter Sunset” by Elizabeth Miller Photo credit: Elizabeth Miller
Community and craft through teaching,
in-person and on-line.
I teach regularly at a variety of fine venues around the northeast and also at my own studios in Paris, Maine and Rockland, Maine. Passing on the heritage North Atlantic art of rug hooking is an important mission to me. Subscribe to the newsletter and follow the websites and other points of contact for updates on where and when workshops will be available. I also have a page on Eventbrite, which lists events at my own studios.
If you would like a one-on-one lesson or schedule an in-studio or Zoom lesson for yourself or a group, just contact me at
Not local? Find me on YouTube for some instructional videos and I hope to do some YouTube livestreams as well. I will also be putting some instructional modules on the Parris House Wool Works website this year.
Instructional offerings include but are not limited to:
Wool and yarn dyeing techniques
Beginner rug hooking
More advanced rug hooking techniques
Hooked rug design
There are and will be many other offerings. Follow the websites or sign up for the newsletter to never miss a workshop, either at my own studios or at a wonderful venue around the northeast.
“In nature we never see anything isolated, but everything in connection with something else which is before it, beside it, under it, and over it.”
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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For any inquiries, please contact:
Phone: 207-890-8490
Giving Bluesky a try? Me too, for now. Find me there at:
- Elizabeth Miller
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